Empower your entire team to visually create and optimize high-speed experiences on your sites and apps. Provide whole-team autonomy with a platform that is developer approved.
Empower your Content with Prismic
- How did you get started at Prismic?
- What made you want to work there?
- What makes Prismic special from all the other CMS’s that are out there?
- Slices
- Hero Section
- Logo cloud
- Image slider
- Prismic SliceMachine (Local dev environment for websites)
- Who is Prismic’s target audience?
- Getting started code demo
- What made you start Frontend Horse?
- Where did the horse come from?
Guest Picks
Alex Trost
Host Picks
Alex Patterson
gQuery SvelteKit GraphQL Client
ThisDotLabs Prismic & Storyblok
Brittney Postma
Frontend Horse YouTube
Bless Unleashed